
Nutritional Value and Composition of Canned Beans

Most people have a vague belief that beans are a good source of protein, although the actual protein content of canned beans usually comes as a surprise. The simple, but perennially popular, meal of beans using a 225 g portion provides 1/5 of the recommended daily adult intake.


Nutritional Value per 100 g of Beans in Tomato Sauce

Energy 64 kcals (270 kJ) Protein 5.1 g
Dietary Fiber 7.3 g Carbohydrates 10.3 g
Fat 0.5 g sugars 5.2 g
saturated fat 0.08 g starches 5.1 g
polysaturated 0.25 g Calcium 45 mg
cholesterol 0 mg Magnesium 31 mg
Iron 1.4 mg Zinc 0.7 mg
Sodium 480 mg    

Fiber Content of Canned Beans-Compared With Other Rich Food

Food   Grams Fiber
Beans in tomato sauce 225 g 16.5
Whole meal bread, 2 slices 75 g 6.0
Baked potato, with skin 175 g 5.0
Muesli 50 g 4.2
Apple, 1 medium 125 g 2.1
Brown Rice, uncooked 50 g 2.4
White Cabbage, uncooked 50 g 1.5

Nutritional Composition With Recommended Daily Intake

  225gBeans(Cooked) Rec.DailyIntake* % of Rec.DailyIntakeSuppliedby Beans
Protein (g) 10.1 63 16
Fat (g) 1.1 NS
Carbohydrates (g) 29.5 NS
Calories 162 2,510 6
Calcium (mg) 102 500 20
Iron (mg) 3.8 10 38
Vitamin A (g) 110 750 15
Vitamin B (mg) 0.15 1 15
Vitamin B (mg) 0.11 1.6 7
Nicotinic Acid Equivs (mg) 2.9 18 16
Vitamin C (mg) 6.6 30 22
Vitamin D (g) 10
Dietary Fiber (g) 16.3 NS

*Recommended daily intake for sedentary man aged 18-35, — Nil, NS Not Specified